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Tools are items the player uses to interact with the world. Tools can be crafted or found in chests around the world.


Tools are stored in the tool tab of the player inventory. They can be recycled to get the materials used to craft them back. Tools do not have durability and will not degrade or break with use.

The player has a hotbar of 8 slots, each of which can be assigned a tool.

List of tools



  • Stone Axe
  • Stone Bow
  • Stone Dorkip
  • Stone Hammer
  • Stone Pickaxe
  • Stone Sickle
  • Stone Sword
  • Stone Arrow


  • Bone Axe
  • Bone Bow
  • Bone Dorkip
  • Bone Hammer
  • Bone Pickaxe
  • Bone Sickle
  • Bone Sword
  • Bone Arrow