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Wood is an important and abundant resource in Aloft, so long as you're mindful of the trees. Adult trees (more on that below) require an Axe to fell. Regardless of type, they all drop the same resource: Wood.

Wood image
Wood icon in the inventory

Wood itself is required as a Crafting and Building material. In Crafting, it is needed for Every Tool except Leaf Bucket and Field Guide.

For Building, it is required for Every Building, Farming, Sailing and Machinery Craft in the Build Menu, as well as most Decorations except Leaf Basket, Non-Wood Stockpiles, Stretchy Long Leaf Fabric, and Face Sculptures. This will change when Stone Structures and new tools are introduced.

A Wood Stockpile can hold up to 2,000 Wood and/or Charcoal (8 stacks of 250)


Trees currently come in 4 forms: Sturdy Fir, Great Chestnut, Twined Oak, and Sick. There is no Sick Seed, the only tree which cannot be intentionally grown. But the Sick trees can be found easily while the Field Guide is in hand, being highlighted in red. Removing them is required to Balance some islands. There are also natural Stumps.

Seeds of the 3 healthy types of trees will start as a sapling, then grow through 3 stages of Young Tree which can all be harvested by hand for 0-3 Wood (if 0, it gives a Seed) and 2-5 Leaves, regardless of Stage.

The next 3 stages are Adult Trees. Adult Trees, as mentioned above, require an Axe to fell for a Stump (1-3 Wood) and 2-3 Logs or up to 5 for Sturdy Pine, which need to be hit once more to Harvest for 4-5 Wood and 4 Leaves, with the chance for a Seed. Adult Trees also have Branches, which can be gathered by hand for 1-2 Wood.

Additionally, there are Elder Trees, but these cannot be chopped and are more decorative - often covered in vines.