Reishi Mushroom

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A beneficial mushroom with a healing factor.

"A beneficial mushroom with a healing factor. Can also be milled to release its inoculating properties." - Inventory Description

These naturally occurring mushrooms are a vital part of healing - both the environment and the character.


These mushrooms may be found growing near the bases of adult trees of any kind and may be obtained by using the Interact action (E key on keyboard).


The uses for this mushroom fall broadly into three categories: healing the character, restoring the ecosystem, and cooking ingredient.


  • Leaf Bandage = 2 Leaf Cloth + 1 Reishi Mushroom
  • Linen Bandage = 2 Linen Cloth + 1 Reishi Mushroom
  • Wool Bandage = 2 Wool Cloth + 1 Reishi Mushroom
  • Cotton Bandage[1] = 2 Cotton Cloth[2] + 1 Reishi Mushroom

Restoring Ecosystems

Sometimes an ecosystem will need Decomposers. By grinding Reishi Mushrooms in a mill, a character can obtain Reishi Inoculant, which appears like a Reishi Mushroom seed. This can be applied to the base of adult trees on a sick island to fulfill the Decomposers requirement.

  1. Unavailable in current demo.
  2. Unavailable in current demo.