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Restoration is a core feature in Aloft as it is how you restore islands to their former glory.

Getting Started

To start your restoration journey you will need to craft a Field Guide at the Workbench, the next step is open the field guide on the island you want to restore and it will tell you what you need to do to restore the ecosystem. These things fall into 6 categories.

Tree Amount

This displays number of trees in this format (number of trees on island/number of trees needed for ecosystem revival). More trees can be planted using seeds gathered from chopping down big trees and gathering small ones, to plant seeds to into your inventory and equip the seeds by hovering over them and pressing the interact key (E), then simply plant the seeds on your island.

Floral Diversity

This displays the number of unique flower + small plant variants currently on your island in this format (number of unique plants on island/number needed for ecosystem revival). You can get more variants by placing Emerald Island Seeds on your island, simply equip the seeds in your inventory by hovering over them and pressing the interact key (E), then you can exit your inventory and press Right Click to change seed type and Left Click to plant. The game will show you what the currently selected seed looks like so you can check your island to see if there are already plants of that type.

Animal Amount

Not Currently Implemented This displays the number of animals on your island in this format (number of animals needed/number of animals present) and lists what animals are on your island. This can be increased by placing Birdhouses, breeding animals or relocating animals from other islands.

Insect Diversity

Not Currently Implemented

Decomposer Amount

This displays how many decomposers there are on your island in this format (decomposers on island/decomposers needed for ecosystem revival). You can get more decomposers by planting Mushroom Innoculant on adult trees, this Innoculant is crafted at a Millstone with Reishi Mushroom.

Removal of Corrupted Things

The right hand side page of the field guide shows you if the island has any corrupted trees or corruption nodes, if the page is clear you are all good! When you use the field guide all corrupted things are highlighted in red so you can more easily spot them.